Barnes Wild Bluff Oysters to feature in NZ Post TV ad

19 August / Blake Foden - The Southland Times

Southlanders will be seeing more familiar faces on TV starting on Sunday, when a new ad featuring Barnes Wild Bluff Oysters hits the airwaves.

The NZ Post ad stars Barnes general manager Graeme Wright and his team as they return from a day’s harvesting in Foveaux Strait to unload at the Bluff wharf.

It showcases NZ Post’s overnight delivery service and its importance to regional companies like Barnes.

“It’s really important for us with oysters that we have the confidence they’ll get to where they need to go while they’re still fresh,” Wright said.

“They can take product as late as 5pm and have it delivered anywhere in the country by 7am the next morning, and we can get oysters to most places in the south on the same day.”

Wright said Barnes also made use of NZ Post’s tracking system for deliveries to keep both the company and the customer up to speed.

The company had received a lot of positive comments on its new branding since changing its name to Barnes Wild Bluff Oysters, and the ad was a good way to show off the fresh new look, he said.

NZ Post spokeswoman Sarah Austen-Smith said the finishing touches were being applied to the ad on Wednesday and it would be on air from Sunday.

The ad is part of NZ Post’s ‘You Can’ campaign.

- The Southland Times

You can watch the video here on the NZ Post website

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